Fuck the Algorithms
FULL TEXT: Book 01
FULL TEXT: Book 02
FULL TEXT: Book 03
Fuck the Algorithms. 2021. Zines and Animation.
“Content” has become a word that is almost purely coexistent with social media and the internet. Content is a social commodity, shared and posted both to promote individuality and one’s own social “brand”. The platform of Instagram has become a virtual show and tell, revealing both the absurd and popular of contemporary culture. The platform is advertised as being a space of connectivity into the lives of our peers but in reality, it has become a space of competition, where its users fight for global and interpersonal attention through the use of text, image, and video.
FULL TEXT: Book 01
FULL TEXT: Book 02
FULL TEXT: Book 03
Fuck the Algorithms. 2021. Zines and Animation.
5” x 5”. TRT 2:05.